
Milestones and Highlights
Timelines of events in the politics, policy and technology stream for each Technology (electric cars, heat pumps and photovoltaics)

List of analyzed documents comprising climate and energy policy, strategy docmuents, market and Technology reports, research studies, legal documents, etc., for each Technology (electric cars, heat pumps and photovoltaics)
List of documents

Please note that both milestones are reported in the Supplementary Material of Kulmer V., Seebauer S., Hinterreither H., Kortschak D., Theurl M., Haas W., (2022) – see below

Policy brief: Wie kann die Marktdiffusion von klimafreundlichen Technologien beschleunigt werden?
policy brief

Publications and working papers

Kulmer V., Seebauer S., Hinterreither H., Kortschak D., Theurl M., Haas W., (2022), Transforming the s-shape: Identifying and explaining turning points in market diffusion curves of low-carbon technologies in Austria. Research Policy, 51(1), 104371. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2021.104371.

Kulmer V., Kortschak D., Seebauer S. (2020), Trigger or time fuse? An empirical methodology for detecting change points and pace in the diffusion of low-carbon technologies. In: Zachariadis, T., Milne, J., Andersen, M., Ashiabor, H. (Eds.): Economic instruments for a low carbon future. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation Vol. XXII, 157-171, Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781839109911.

Seebauer S. (2020), Critical events as triggers and accelerators of building renovations in private residential buildings. Working Paper.
Seebauer 2020

Frieden, D., 2019, Verfügbarkeit und Qualität von Photovoltaikanlagen-Statistiken in Österreich, Sonne, Wind und Wärme, Heft 15/ 2019,

Reporting to the Climate and Energy Fund

Final Report at Climate and Energy Fund